Mobility Training

What is it and why is it so important?

Mobility means the ability to move freely. That is what mobility training is all about; helping your body move freely.

Limited range of motion (ROM) in your joints can result in pain, stiffness, and discomfort with certain movement patterns. It can come from muscle imbalances AND your rib cage position and breathing patterns!

My type of mobility training beings with a breathing & movement assessment to understand the range of motion (ROM) in each of your joints and understand where you have compression in your thorax (rib cage).

We then use specific breathing exercises / cueing to open up your thorax as well as joint-specific exercises to improve your joint ROM. These exercises progressively mobilize, stabilize, and strengthen your body.

Put simply, mobility training will help you breathe, move, and feel better.

Why does the breathing piece matter?

Check out this blog post.

Mobility training takes TIME.

Mobility training uses a lot of connective tissue and neurological adaptations that take a long time. 12 weeks of consistent work is a minimum timeframe to begin to see lasting adaptations. That’s not to say you won’t move and feel better before then, but it may not last!