Which Program or Training Type is Right for Me?

Are you ready to take the next step on your fitness or recovery journey and hire a coach?  If you are, congratulations to you!  I hope you choose me.

I offer a variety of programs to help you do just this, so here is a little post to break down each option & help you choose what is right for you.

If you don’t like reading, scroll right to the bottom where I have it all in a comparison table!

One-on-one Online Training

This option is for you if you want training tailored for you, need / want extra accountability, and want feedback / coaching from me available 24/7.

This type of training is always the most comprehensive.  It starts with a movement and breathing assessment.  We determine where you have compensations, what fitness level you are at, where you want to go, and how to get you there.

The training is provided ALL ONLINE via the TrueCoach app.  That means perform it on your own time without having to work around someone else’s schedule.  Every exercise has an explainer video / explainer text.  You can record yourself performing a movement or ask questions and I will provide feedback.

This is perfect for at-home OR in-gym workouts.  It’s customized for what you have available to you.  It’s also customized to number of times per week and length of time.

Functional Empowered Fitness Membership

This option is for you if you want a more affordable option that still includes access to me as a coach, but is not customized specifically for you. The membership includes multiple programs (and is always growing). As a member you have access to ALL programs & can switch any time.

The membership is delivered via TrueCoach where every exercise has an explainer/demonstration video. You can ask me questions and post videos for assessment by me.

You’ll also get exclusive access to educational content, future workshops, and an online community. The link below has a lot more information on the membership.

4 Week Breathing & Mobility Program

This program is for you if you want an introduction to two of my favorite principles: Breathing & mobility.

In this 4 weeks of program (delivered via PDF to do on your own time) you will learn some of the BASICS of breathing.  You’ll also practice some mobility exercises focused on your rib cage, hips, spine, shoulders, and feet.

If you’re an active individual this is the PERFECT warm up or active rest-day routine.  If you’re looking to become MORE active and start a routine, this is perfect for you.

There are 4 workouts per week, approximately 30-45 minutes.  Every exercise comes with an explainer video.

60 Minute Movement Assessment

This option is for you if you’re still not sure if you want to pursue training, but you want to learn a little more about yourself.

You’ll pre-record some joint assessment and breathing videos and send them to me.  In the call we will cover the results of your assessment, previous fitness history, pregnancy / postpartum experience (if applicable), and what your goals are.

You’ll leave the assessment more knowledgeable about yourself and with a better idea of where to go next.

For More Information

If you want more information on ANY of these programs, just reach out to me.  You can find me on instagram @postpartumstrength or via e-mail at ellen@functionalempoweredfitness.com.

To purchase any of these options, head to my services tab!


Why are Breathing Exercises so Important


My Postpartum Depression & Anxiety Story